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Download Google Play Store 4.4 with slide-out navigation drawer

Google Play Store 4.4.21 download
Looks like we don’t have to wait for the Nexus 5 to be released before we’re able to try out some of the updated apps likely to debut with Android 4.4 KiKat. We showed you guys some screenshots of the new Google Play Store 4.4(.21) a few days ago. The update introduced a fancy new slide-out navigation drawer similar to other Google apps, and it looks like it’s finally begun rolling out to Android users today.
If you don’t feel like waiting for the update to officially push to your device (no worries, neither could we), the application has been made available for downloading via the link below. Simply sideload the Google Play Store the same way as you would any other app.
Download: Google Play Store 4.4.21
Really, there doesn’t appear to be too many changes on the surface, but Google’s upcoming Newsstand (to replace Magazines) can be found buried deep within the apk, icon and all. We expect Google to complete the rebranding at a later time (more than likely during the KitKat reveal). Stay tuned.

source:[Android Police]
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