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Play HD Games on Samsung Galaxy Y

Hey friends,today i am going to teach you  How you can Play HD games on Android phones,there are many users who buy android phones  for sole purpose of gaming but sometimes games are  not compatible with their phones. But you don’t have to worry because i will tell you one simple way to get rid of this problem. you may heard that many users face problem in running PC games due to  low graphics .But that may be solved with some tips like reducing graphics at low point. So like that you can also do so in Android games.

This Tutorial will cover the problem of running HD games on Samsung Galaxy Y.

Below is the List of Games that can be possibly played on Samsung Galaxy Y after doing some necessary changes and installing some apps that i am going to tell you further.
  • Gangstar West Coast Hustle
  • Brother in Arms 2
  • Avatar
  • NFS Shift
  • FIFA10
  • HAWX
  • Modern Combat

Follow me to run HD Games :

1. Phone Must be Rooted. root guide for galaxy y
2. Now First you have to install ChainFire 3D app,   Click here to Download ChainFire 3D.

3. Once you have Install this app then Download and Install HD games which are not incompatible. Then Follow my Steps because now we have to make some settings.
4. Click here to Download Plugins Pack.  After Downloading this you will find one .zip file.
5. Extract that zip file anywhere in your SD Card.
6. Open chainfire3D then allow super user.
7. Select the CF3D Driver, and then Install. Phone restarts.
8. Start the Chainfire3D and select the item Install plugin.

9. Wait till it found plug-ins .zip file
10.Install (for PowerVR) (for Nvidia) (for Qualcomm)
11. Fix market setting

12. After this, go to Default OpenGL settings -> Use plugin
13. Choose POWERVR/Qualcomm/Tegra (according to your GPU or Certain games)
14. Minimize Chainfire3D
That’s All i think this will be work out.Now you can Play Most of the HD games Easily on your Samsung Galaxy Y.
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