HTC EVO 4G LTE JellyBean 4.3 Custom Rom
You can now get Android Jelly Bean 4.3 on your HTC EVO 4G LTE easily
via this Beanstalk ROM. The HTC EVO 4G comes with Jelly Bean 4.0.3 out
of the box, but no one knows when’s the next update (or when). But you
don’t have to wait for HTC (or Sprint, if you bought it from the
carrier) to roll out the update when you have the liberty to install
Jelly Bean 4.3 on your HTC EVO 4G LTE with the amzaing Beanstalk ROM. So
if you want to update your HTC EVO 4G LTE to Jelly Bean 4.3 via
Beanstalk ROM, here’s a detailed guide to get you through.
The Beanstalk ROM is based on CyanogenMod, and so it will give you stock Jelly Bean 4.3 experience on your HTC EVO. However, you might meet up with other cool features as well – like the Dual Pane option and status bar customization (optional). To get Jelly Bean 4.3 on your HTC EVO 4G, you will have to download the two zip file we have provided in the ‘downloads’ section, move them into your HTC EVO’s storage and then flash them from custom recovery mode – which reminds us, you will need to have root access and a custom recovery such as CWM or TWRP installed on your HTC EVO.
The Beanstalk ROM is based on CyanogenMod, and so it will give you stock Jelly Bean 4.3 experience on your HTC EVO. However, you might meet up with other cool features as well – like the Dual Pane option and status bar customization (optional). To get Jelly Bean 4.3 on your HTC EVO 4G, you will have to download the two zip file we have provided in the ‘downloads’ section, move them into your HTC EVO’s storage and then flash them from custom recovery mode – which reminds us, you will need to have root access and a custom recovery such as CWM or TWRP installed on your HTC EVO.
Feature List
SD card and internal memory doesn't mount on 10.5
Camera doesn't work.
Really suggest staying on 8.27 or 9.17
- CM based
- Lockscreen background options (Color fill, Custom image, Transparent)
- Customizable Lockscreen text color
- Lockscreen rotation
- Option to enable all widgets
- Minimize lockscreen challange
- Use widget carousel
- Slider Shortcuts
- Static Lockscreen shortcuts
- Lockscreen button actions
- LCD Density
- Scroll elasticity options
- Default App grip option
- Custom Carrier label
- Dual Pane options
- Customizable boot animation (off, default, set your own bootanimation)
- Custom original BeanStalk Wallpapers by skyliner33v
- Custom BeanStalk bootanimation by skyliner33v
- Status bar color and transparency
- Clock and date options which includes color, location, style
- Signal Styles which include color and text instead of icons, alternate GB signal layout, hide signal icons
- Breathing SMS option
- Battery styles - Includes specific colors and styles. Also includes battery bar
- Do not disturb option
- Show notification count
- Pie controls (need to have lockscreen background set to something other then default to work correctly (dont ask why) )
- Fully customizable navigation bar - Includes style, layout, color, nav rings, pretty much everything you can think of.
- Quick settings color settings, tiles per row, Quick pulldown, text color
- Notification shortcuts, behaviour, drawer style (customizable colors), toggle colors, longpress quicksettings icon to enable/disable toggles
- Keyboard and input method options which include disable full screen keyboard and auto rotate
- Kil app back button with customizable timeout values
- High end graphic effects option
- option to disable/enable vibrate on expand for notifications alerts
- Low battery warning customizable options
- Recents RAM bar fully customizable with color styles
- Clock widget for LockClock including extra options to fully customize every feature of the lockclock
- Build.prop MOD options to enable/disable tweaks as preferred
- Less frequent Notification sounds options
- CRT screen off/on options to specify how the animation shows
- Enable/disable wake up on charge option
- Superuser fully embedded into the build and accessed from settings menu
- CM Performance options and features
- About BeanStalk option with links to github source and facebook for beanstalk. Also links to Scott.Hart.Bti's twitter and donate.
- insane amount of edits/tweaks/fixes to make this build absolutely fly
- option to use a fully themable MMS packages. You can access from mms - settings - theme settings
- Numerous other options hidding throughout the build
SD card and internal memory doesn't mount on 10.5
Camera doesn't work.
Really suggest staying on 8.27 or 9.17
Warranty is NOW void by clicking the links found on this thread, Your phone and possibly head blowing up is not mine nor XDA is responsible any damage
Stable: BeanStalk 8.27
Latest Stable: BeanStalk 9.17
Latest untested: BeanStalk 10.5
Gapps: Here
Root your phone skip this if it is rooted ( get auto root and clockworkmod recovery here)
Backup your device
Fully WIPE System,Data,Cache (SuperWipe)
Flash ROM
Flash Gapps found in "Download Links" Section
Reboot & Enjoy!
Backup your device
Fully WIPE System,Data,Cache (SuperWipe)
Flash ROM
Flash Gapps found in "Download Links" Section
Reboot & Enjoy!